Do you guys ever feel like no matter how much water you drink, it's not enough? That's how I feel today. Usually I stay hydrated by drinking 5-6 bottles of water a day but lately I feel like that isn't enough! I've even tried eating more fruits and vegetables than usual.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
I NEED This Treadmill
I've already sent it to husby, he knows I'm gunning for it. I need this treadmill, it's amazing. It lets you plot a route on Google maps, upload to the 'mill and then the treadmill follows the route while automatically adjusting for the varying elevation on the route you've given it. Come on, that's amazing.
The treadmill I'm talking about is the ProForm Offical Boston Marathon Treadmill. It doesn't ship until this fall so I have plenty of time to save up for it. Heck, it is my birthday October 7th....
While I'm kind of like a USPS worker, running through rain, wind, sleet, and snow, I know there will come a time where I need to be in the house more and might not be able to pop outside for a quick 6. Do you know the personal hell that will feel like on just a regular treadmill now?!
I NEED this treadmill.

The treadmill I'm talking about is the ProForm Offical Boston Marathon Treadmill. It doesn't ship until this fall so I have plenty of time to save up for it. Heck, it is my birthday October 7th....
While I'm kind of like a USPS worker, running through rain, wind, sleet, and snow, I know there will come a time where I need to be in the house more and might not be able to pop outside for a quick 6. Do you know the personal hell that will feel like on just a regular treadmill now?!
I NEED this treadmill.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
The Day I Met Dustin-A Poem
Please don't be confused about Dustin
He's not my husband
He's a dear friend from my college days
And I thought a shout out to him would be, OK
I used to see him walk to class
Always on the sidewalk, never the grass
He often wore black, but sometimes flannel and plaid
A little WWF backpack is what he had
Before I knew him, I'd smile in passing
Little did I know, our friendship would be long lasting
I was looking at expanding my horizons,
So a new job I was a findin' (Not sure the end rhyme works here...)
I love our campus radio station, KMSU
So without hesitating, I knew what to do
The first time I opened the door,
What do I find?
But my new BFF, Dustin
A big desk he was behind
He had me fill out an application
But I knew it was superfluous
Because we'd just become best friends
He & I, Us.
We spent lunches at taco buffets at the strip club
Don't judge me, it's not as dirty as it sounds
And afternoons in the studio,
Working and horsing around
Sometimes it'd be with Gretel
Other times Royce or Clint
But no matter what
It was my friend Dust, he's mint
He didn't have a car
So I'd often give him a ride
But the favor was often returned
When I was too drunk to drive
He likes professional wrestling
Probably a little too much
But that's what makes him so special
His collection of stuff is pretty clutch
One of my prized possessions
Is a strawberry shortcake birthday card
It’s from Dustin with regards
So this is my poem for my old friend
He asked and I delivered
I hope it doesn't offend!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I need to spice up my running routine. Typically I'm super, super good at keeping motivated by varying my workouts, running routes, partners, music but I'm just so bored of it! Lately I feel like the only reason I keep lacing up my sneaks is to resist the laws of nature and the middle age spread.
When I get home from work, running isn't the first thing I do, I'll have a snack, and not a healthy one, then I'll go upstairs and take my tights off and crawl under the covers. A) Because I wear skirts and tights almost every day and it's the best feeling in the world to take tights off. B) Because I have to be in prime Hunger Games reading form to get the most out of the book. Then, when it's about 5:30-45 I start feeling guilty that I haven't just gone and gotten my workout out of the way. To motivate myself I'll put my exercise outfit on and then ask Fern if he wants to R.U.N. but I actually say the word because he's more accountable for these sorts of things than I. Then after 10 more minutes of dawdling, I finally make it out the door.
Maybe I need more protein? I’m hungry right now!
Here’s my outfit from today. I’m (obviously) wearing skirt and tights but then I threw my new j.crew hoodie on because I wanted to be comfortable and I look good in navy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
God must have never raised teenage girls
With Husby and I trying to get PG, I sometimes resent the thought of my sisters kids. Not the kids in particular because how could you, they are the cutest on the planet! However, the fact that my sister was easily able to get pregnant with twins and I'm trying for one makes me mad at the situation. Which I obviously take out on my sister. Which is wrong. Which I know. And Which, sometimes I don’t care. Which makes me feel bad.
Sissy, I am sorry.
God apparently never raised teenage girls because everyone knows if you give one daughter something, you have to give the other the same thing. Fair is fair, I didn’t make the rules.
I got to spend some time with my little beebs the other day. We have crawlers! I can’t believe how cute they are. It’s been so fun watching them grow over the last 8 months. To top off a great afternoon with my mom, Cayden pulled himself up yesterday! My sister is in for some trouble with that guy!
Cayden |
Elyse |
Going for a walk with auntie and grandma! |
So tired from our walk! |
Elyse does this ridiculously cute thing with her lips.
Bath time!
Monday, April 16, 2012
If you're a runner, you know what I'm talking about. If you watch ESPN or pay attention to sports, you probably know what I'm talking about. If you live in Boston, you probably know what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is BOSTON. It is one of few races that has succeeded in needing no introduction. It is the Madonna of Marathons.
I don't have to tell you I'm talking about Boston Marathon put on by the Boston Athletic Association that is the only race, which I'm aware of, to take place on a Monday. And not just any Monday, it's Patriot's Day, which is the third Monday of April. I also don't have to tell you this is the world's oldest marathon with some of the most major milestones, please see, first women to officially/unofficially run a marathon. Bobbi Gibb and Kathrine Switzer were there names and they changed the course of history for me and all my gal pal runners. I can't imagine a time where I wasn't lining up toe to toe with the guys. Bobbi unofficially ran the race in 1966 in 3:21 and Kathrine officially in 1967 in 4:20. These two ladies dared to break the gender mold we had previously been conformed to. I don't think it takes much to see why these two gals are some of my running heroes.
In order to run at Boston, you need to qualify. I know, seems crazy but that's how it is. You need to meet a predetermined time in order to even be considered for the race. Qualifying for Boston has always been in the back of my head. But I have to run fast, faster than I have ever run before. I have to run my 10k pace for 26.2 miles. I would have to cut 38 minutes off of my last marathon time of 4:13 I would have to go from 9:38's to 8's. Straight 8's. I feel like it's impossible but I know it isn’t. I know it's not going to happen this year but, maybe, just maybe, it'll happen next year. Or the year after. It's a goal I'm never going to give up on which is fun, it gives me something to shoot for instead of just running another race, another long run, another speed workout.
It'll happen some day, I'm sure of it, and when it does, I'll rejoice in the fact that I trained my hardest and ran my hardest and to me, it'll be a victory even if I don't win the race.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Guys! I've created 100 posts!
A look back at some of my favorites....
The Art of Gu
Did you say Steak?
Guest Blogger, Fern talks running
The #1 Reason I love the internet
The Day I beat my dad
Just a Lil Death
Uncle Animal in the Flesh
Marathon Fever
What I've learned from doing my performance review at work
Public Restrooms
I like all of these for different reasons, I hope you like them too!
Until tomorrow!
The Art of Gu
Did you say Steak?
Guest Blogger, Fern talks running
The #1 Reason I love the internet
The Day I beat my dad
Just a Lil Death
Uncle Animal in the Flesh
Marathon Fever
What I've learned from doing my performance review at work
Public Restrooms
I like all of these for different reasons, I hope you like them too!
Until tomorrow!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Lead legs
I didn't want to run yesterday, I've been really sluggish lately but didn't go the day before so knew I had to go yesterday. (I'm 7 for 11 days in April!) I wanted to take FurBaby first a) because he was sitting at my feet whining and b) when I go first without him I have to listen to him HOOOWWWLLLL because he is SO SAD I left without him and my heart cannot take that. So, I took Fern for a quick mile and kind of felt a little bit better so thought I'd take off on my own for a couple. I brought Fernie back to the house and changed direction. Since we moved in January, I hadn't really done any of my old routes, which is pretty ridiculous considering we moved 5 blocks. I took off like a shot, or so it felt but when I checked my watch, I'd run a 7:50. It felt way faster but I was exerting a ton of effort. I got to a spot I felt must have been about 3 miles, 1.79. Every time I looked it was like, .14 further than the last time. It felt like the worlds longest run, and that's coming from someone who's run a 4:50 marathon. I was in the home stretch before my legs finally started to feel ok. I hadn't run the day before and the run the day before that wasn't anything out of the ordinary. So I'm not sure why my legs were so fatigued.
HOWEVER, if your legs are fatigued ask yourself a couple of questions.
Do my legs just feel tired or do they actually hurt? If they hurt, how old are your shoes? What types of surfaces were you running on? Did you do a hard workout the day before?
All of these things can lead to leg fatigue. I've found more this year since I'm running more often that my body feels fatigued from the run the day before. Remember to give yourself plenty of rest! The more intense your workout, the more lactic acid builds up in your muscles, making them sore and tired.
Always make sure your shoes are holding up for the amount of miles you're running. Rule of thumb is 300-500 miles or every six months. Obviously every person is different but by keeping an accurate running log you'll be able to gauge just about when to get those new sneaks!
Leg heaviness can also develop if you do frequent hill work or sprint often. Trauma and damage to the muscles in the legs, such as sprains or strains, can also trigger leg heaviness while running. It can also develop due to medical conditions such as shin splints, tendinitis and compartment syndrome.
Take a thorough eval of you how you really feel. If it's something you've never felt before, it's usually worth a co-pay just to check with a doc to make sure you're not really hurt which could leave you with a more permanent injury.
If you can't determine what it is and just feel lethargic, make sure you're eating enough good foods to help fuel your run. Protein and carbs are great for giving you the energy you need to power through.
A great site if you have questions is Runners World they have blogs, forums, articles, and coaches who are dedicated to helping people love the sport
Broke out the ol' underdeskexerbike today. |
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Day Elyse Pooped on my Arm
Today started out like any other day. Got up, showered, braided my hair and went to work. My mom called to say she was bored and coming over with my sisters kids. Oh, did I mention I have the worlds cutest niece and nephew?
JK, of course I did, here, here, here, here, and here.
Anyway, I jump at the chance to see these kids. I LOVE THEM.
Mom picked me up from work and we drove three blocks to Caribou Coffee. My favorite coffee shop. They are a Minnesota based company which makes me like them even more than I already do. Plus now they're in 40 states instead of 3. Wow, I am less focused today than usual. Sorry.
Anyway, Mom picked me up from work, drove over to the 'bou and she and I got out and ordered, leaving the kids in the car. Mom went to go sit down with our drinks while I ran and got the kids. I got Cayden out first because he was crying. I will say Elyse is easier than Kiki so I tend to spend more time with her... Anyway! So I have Cayden in one arm and I'm getting Elyse out of her seat with the other. Like the 8 month genius she is, she reaches her arms up and arches her body to help. I grab the kids and head into Caribou. I hand Cayden over to grandma and go to give niece Elyse a kiss but then realize my arm is sticky. What in the world could it be sticky from?
There was disgusting, sticky, smelly baby poop all over my arm, the side of my body where I had been holding Elyse, and the back of her pants, shirts, jackets. HAIR. HOW'D SHE GET POOP IN HER HAIR?
The thing of it is, Elyse ALWAYS does this. Honestly, I've had to clean up explosions multiple times from that SWEET, SWEET little girl. She needs to start a different diet.
Some pics of my loves!
JK, of course I did, here, here, here, here, and here.
Anyway, I jump at the chance to see these kids. I LOVE THEM.
Mom picked me up from work and we drove three blocks to Caribou Coffee. My favorite coffee shop. They are a Minnesota based company which makes me like them even more than I already do. Plus now they're in 40 states instead of 3. Wow, I am less focused today than usual. Sorry.
Anyway, Mom picked me up from work, drove over to the 'bou and she and I got out and ordered, leaving the kids in the car. Mom went to go sit down with our drinks while I ran and got the kids. I got Cayden out first because he was crying. I will say Elyse is easier than Kiki so I tend to spend more time with her... Anyway! So I have Cayden in one arm and I'm getting Elyse out of her seat with the other. Like the 8 month genius she is, she reaches her arms up and arches her body to help. I grab the kids and head into Caribou. I hand Cayden over to grandma and go to give niece Elyse a kiss but then realize my arm is sticky. What in the world could it be sticky from?
There was disgusting, sticky, smelly baby poop all over my arm, the side of my body where I had been holding Elyse, and the back of her pants, shirts, jackets. HAIR. HOW'D SHE GET POOP IN HER HAIR?
The thing of it is, Elyse ALWAYS does this. Honestly, I've had to clean up explosions multiple times from that SWEET, SWEET little girl. She needs to start a different diet.
Some pics of my loves!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Art of Gu
GU. There is nothing like it. Well there is something like it but in case anyone reads this and judges me for the content, I can't mention it. That being said, Gu tastes better. That, that, being said, the consistency of GU is like nothing else you've ever put in your mouth. I promise.
Let's back the GU train up, GU is something used while running long distances, be it training runs or a race. In a marathon I take one about every 45 minutes. It is a tiny little 100 calorie pack that is full of carbs and sugar to try and replenish your body on the go. They make so much sense to me now, I don't know how I raced before them. GU is my favorite energy gel out there, I just like their flavors the best and have had the best luck with how my body reacts to it.
When started training for my first marathon, I'd never heard of having to replenish my body with carbs and electrolytes through gu. That is what gatorade and water are for. My how times have changed! My training buddy at the time (and still is, I'll get to that) is my running bff, Beth. No seriously, her name is also Beth (she blogs HERE). I love running with her because people are like, Go Beth, wait, Go Beth and Beth! Beth squared. And ever since then, we've been Beth squared. Back to the point. She brought along a hammer gel one day for me to try. Brownie. It was definitely brownie, I still have a brownie stain on my favorite purple running shorts.... We were just heading into mile 5 and she handed me a packet, told me to rip off the top and eat what was inside. Ever the trusting friend, I did as I was told. And then I threw up. The closest thing I can compare gu to is, well, you know when you go to the dentist and they have to make a mold of your mouth and they put that putty in there and your eyes water because your gag reflexes are going and you think you're suffocating but then remember you can also breathe through your nose? Yeah, that's gu. Except it tastes better. The first couple GU's were tough. I thought I'd try the chocolaty flavors because that is what I like to eat but I find the fruity ones easier to swallow. Literally. Now I just rip it open, squirt it all in my mouth and swallow it in a big gu lump with a swig of water. Problem solved.
The other half of Beth Squared is running Fargo Marathon in May but since I didn't sign up with her, said I'd still train with her. What can I say? I love to run. Next weekend there is an MDRA 10 mile race that we plan on doing together, then tacking on another 4 so she can get her 14 in. I needed some GU so ran (not literally but sometimes it is literally) to my favorite running store TC Running Company. OK, the reason I like this store the best is that, the people who operate the store are actual runners. More than being runners, they're just nice people. Plus it's close to my house. The GU's are right by the front counter and it was like a tractor beam, I saw PEANUT BUTTER! MY FAVORITE OF ALL TIME, of anything. Guy behind the counter said no go, do not try it. So, I didn't. He did point me towards the Apple Cinnamon Hammer Gel though and I can't wait to try it. Well, can't wait in a, I NEED to take a gu so I may as well try this new flavor, sort of way.
My favorite flavors are Lemon Sublime, Mandarin Orange, and Espresso Love. And I have a feeling I'm going to like Island Nectar.
What kind of refueling tools do you guys use? I'd love to hear your tips or tricks!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Just a delicious recipe.
Start with Pillsbury crescent rolls. Please note Fern sitting on the carpet, intently staring at me, waiting me to drop something. Anything. |
I can't take credit that this isn't a recipe that could, possible, be on Pillsbury website but since I haven't looked, it's mine. ALLL MINEEE!!!! As mentioned previously, we have my family over for brunch last weekend and didn't know what to make. Often we make the pillsbury cinnamon rolls but to be honest, they're not super good. I mean, they're good... just not awesome. So husby and I were brainstorming ideas and we collaborated to come up with this recipe. Semi-homemade cinnamon rolls. NOM.
I just bake them according to the packaging.
And, because my husby is adorable, he bought pre-mixed cinnamon and sugar. Best $8 I ever spent.... (PS, mixing cinnamon & sugar is just as easy and way cheaper.) |
Put the cinnamon/sugar on a plate |
Unroll the crescent rolls. |
Break apart the rolls and place each side in the cinnamon/sugar. |
Place on a buttered pan. |
Then I melt some butter, about 4 tbsp and mix in the leftover cinnamon/sugar |
And drizzle over the top! |
I just made that super easy powder sugar/butter frosting. I think I used this recipe. |
Matt is a frosting drizzler. |
And I'm a dipper. |
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