Here I am mapping our run, I'm a withz on a mac |
Hi guyth, I think my mom hath introduthed me before. I'll make thith brief becauth I'm kind of thelf conthiouth about my lithp.
We went for a run yetherday and it wath great! I plotted our route on Mapmyrun and originally I only plotted 3 mileth but mom took me four! We didn't go very fatht but it was a beautiful night for a run! Thankth Mom!
Ithn't the thun beautiful behind our new watertower? |
Mom took thith of me, uthually when she let'th go, I take off but today, I jutht stayed. |
Here'th a view of my favorite park. |
I love running around thith park too, I get to thniff a lot of butt-th. |
Mom was tho annoyed at me becauth I kept tripping her, thorry mom! |
Thith ith my favorite bridge to pee on. |
Mom mutht have taken thith of me, I love a good action shot. Check out my form! |
Finally we're home! Thith ith the view from our house!
Thanks, Fern, for guest blogging for me today! Little side note, Fern just had his yearly appt and my little snuggley puggle is 38.2 lbs, he should be 26. The vet compared him to a 350lb human and said anything an overweight human has trouble with, the same goes for a dog. At this weight he is susceptible to diabetes, high cholesterol, and a multitude of other weight related diseases. Fern is currently on a no treats diet and a cup of food a day, and we're running every day. Make sure you make your pet's health as important as your own!
Love, Fern's mommy
Hey, Guest blogger, please pass this on to your mommy:
its a sweet trail race, but not insane hardcore, more of a plush cruiser course. I will likely run it-marathon or....hmmmm....maybe da Five O.
I live super close to the trail (its about 100 miles long), and run on it all the time. I can vouch for how cool it is. Also, October is an awesome time of year to be in Lake County. Libertyville is a sweet town.