Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Art of Gu

GU. There is nothing like it. Well there is something like it but in case anyone reads this and judges me for the content, I can't mention it. That being said, Gu tastes better. That, that, being said, the consistency of GU is like nothing else you've ever put in your mouth. I promise.

 Let's back the GU train up, GU is something used while running long distances, be it training runs or a race. In a marathon I take one about every 45 minutes. It is a tiny little 100 calorie pack that is full of carbs and sugar to try and replenish your body on the go. They make so much sense to me now, I don't know how I raced before them. GU is my favorite energy gel out there, I just like their flavors the best and have had the best luck with how my body reacts to it. 

When started training for my first marathon, I'd never heard of having to replenish my body with carbs and electrolytes through gu. That is what gatorade and water are for. My how times have changed! My training buddy at the time (and still is, I'll get to that) is my running bff, Beth. No seriously, her name is also Beth (she blogs HERE). I love running with her because people are like, Go Beth, wait, Go Beth and Beth! Beth squared. And ever since then, we've been Beth squared. Back to the point. She brought along a hammer gel one day for me to try. Brownie. It was definitely brownie, I still have a brownie stain on my favorite purple running shorts.... We were just heading into mile 5 and she handed me a packet, told me to rip off the top and eat what was inside. Ever the trusting friend, I did as I was told. And then I threw up. The closest thing I can compare gu to is, well, you know when you go to the dentist and they have to make a mold of your mouth and they put that putty in there and your eyes water because your gag reflexes are going and you think you're suffocating but then remember you can also breathe through your nose? Yeah, that's gu. Except it tastes better. The first couple GU's were tough. I thought I'd try the chocolaty flavors because that is what I like to eat but I find the fruity ones easier to swallow. Literally. Now I just rip it open, squirt it all in my mouth and swallow it in a big gu lump with a swig of water. Problem solved. 

The other half of Beth Squared is running Fargo Marathon in May but since I didn't sign up with her, said I'd still train with her. What can I say? I love to run. Next weekend there is an MDRA 10 mile race that we plan on doing together, then tacking on another 4 so she can get her 14 in. I needed some GU so ran (not literally but sometimes it is literally) to my favorite running store TC Running Company. OK, the reason I like this store the best is that, the people who operate the store are actual runners. More than being runners, they're just nice people. Plus it's close to my house. The GU's are right by the front counter and it was like a tractor beam, I saw PEANUT BUTTER! MY FAVORITE OF ALL TIME, of anything. Guy behind the counter said no go, do not try it. So, I didn't.  He did point me towards the Apple Cinnamon Hammer Gel though and I can't wait to try it. Well, can't wait in a, I NEED to take a gu so I may as well try this new flavor, sort of way.

My favorite flavors are Lemon Sublime, Mandarin Orange, and Espresso Love. And I have a feeling I'm going to like Island Nectar.  

What kind of refueling tools do you guys use? I'd love to hear your tips or tricks! 


  1. If a flavor doesn't have caffeine, it's a deal breaker.

  2. Yes! I do like the caffeine ones, especially after mile 15.

  3. So, I am very specific about what I use:
    Gu-Roctane- Blueberry Pomegranate-higher electrolytes, carbs, and caffeine than normal GU
    Cliff Turbo Shots-Double Expresso-taste awesome (if you like coffee), and has 100MG of caffeine. I know of no other energy gel that has that much. Funny they advertise it to be 85% organic-who cares!
    Hammer Endrolytes Fizz-Peach, great light flavor and packs alot of electrolytes
    Zym -catapult in berry-This stuff RULES-100 mg caffeine, a few antioxidants, really high in B12 and tastes amazing. It packs almost everything I need in one fizz tab.
    I do not like taking in carbs in drinks-these are 7 calories per tab.
    Above is all I use-occasionally I will use hammer gels too. I will not use any of the drinks in races, but always use two hand held Ultimate Direction 20 oz. bottles and will stop to fill if I have to.

    I want to invent an NSAID/Energy/Electrolyte/Caffeine suppliment-perfect for trail ultras.

    For a fueling before a long run (over 12-I bonk at 11), I eat a banana and a clif turbo shot 30 minutes before I run, then I take my first gel at mile 8, mile 11, mile 14 and basically every 5K after mile 8. It just works.
    I did a 14 mile run last week with nothing and I hit the wall at around 11 and wasnt till mile 13 that I started coming back. My muscles were super sore after that too.
    Great poast

  4. Oh, a musical interlude for ya!
    Me on fiddle, before I was a runner.
    music starts at 3:00 in.

  5. Yea, I love feedback. I'm going to have to try fizz tabs. They actually sound ok. I just carry my water pack when I run, I know most races are so well equipped you don't need them anymore but it's like my safety blanket. I know if I need one every 45 minutes I don't have to try and time it to a water stop, I can gu whenever I need too. Thanks for the feedback! How was marathon run weekend?! Jealous!

  6. Other Beth of Beth squared here.

    Great post, I remember it like yesterday, brings back so many great memories. I had tears in my eyes laughing so hard while reflecting on all the runs we have done together. Now you are the one keeping me up on the the new gadgets, supplements, nutrional aids, gear, etc., like a trusting running buddy, I jump right in because you said so.

    Antirabbit - what about these fizz tabs? I have spoken with other running friends about electrolyte and sodium replacement during longer runs. We all agree gatorade is not friendly to us. I am willing and eager to try something else.

    1. i've had great luck with my homemade gatorade concoction, but straight up gatorade makes me wretch. i had really bad luck with the caffeinated gu's a few long-run's-ago, so now i avoid them like, well, like what GU is the consistency of. i'm lately into honey stingers. anyone else? anyone? ...

  7. Update on above, my newish running partner and I have decided to take some of the products we like and tweak them out a bit.
    He likes Cytomax
    I like Hammer Endurolyte Fizz
    neither have caffeine, so we found this product that is essentially a caffeine solution that you can add to your fav products to give it the boost you need. I am a huge fan.
    So, I also, really like hammer gel and can now doctor this up and buy in bulk (not in the little pouches, but in a jug), and use gel flasks-however, I can actually add an appreciable level of caffeine now. SO EXCITED.
