Thursday, December 1, 2011


I need to explain when I say "I'm blessed" because I think it can sound pretty self righteous at times.

I'm a Christian, I believe God is my Father and His son Jesus Christ, bless his heart, died on the cross for me and my sins so that after my earthly days are gone, I will get to live on in Heaven (which I assume is like Hawaii). That is what I believe. Now, by no means do I consider myself an exemplary Christian, heck, most days I'm sure God is embarrassed by me and my thoughts, words, and deeds. But through it all, He continues to love me. No, He didn't tweet or text me, I didn't read His blog(although the Bible would appear to be the first blog...), nor Facebook stalk Him, all I really do is believe. God is something to give me hope when I'm hopeless and to give meaning to my actions and the actions of those around me.

I would never force my beliefs on anyone and I'm not trying to. I respect free will and the ability to choose what each of us wants to believe in, or not. Life is an amazing thing and I choose to live mine in Christ. So, I guess what I'm saying is, when I say I'm blessed, it is my tiny way of saying thanks to God. For the good times AND bad. And everything in between.


Too much?

1 comment:

  1. Too late to jump on the Tebow bandwagon.

    God loves most things you do, he is especially pleased as punch watching you run. He thinks you are just the cutest little thing.
