OK, 2012.... I'm going to try and blog more. I think the only way I can get better is if I completely inundate you with my hilarity. Actually what I'm hoping is that if I blog a lot, a least a couple will be entertaining. I mean, I did take six months off and still only managed to blog 54 times. So, I think I started this blog in April, carry the one, divided by six.... Every 5 days. I blogged every five days. That is totally weak, I will try and blog every 2-3 days, which means I will be writing 120-180 blogs in 2012. I promise at least 5 will be worth reading.
Running. I'm going to try and run old school, I'm brining it all the way back to 5 and 10k's. I can't remember the last time I ran one and they are so much fun. So much less stress and it'd actually be fun to train and run one fast. I got kind of caught up in Marathons and half's (halves? Runner friends, ball's in your court) and the little races didn't count to me anymore. Probably because I didn't get a medal and a little known fact about me, I really only run races that will give me an awesome medal. This year I'm doing a super fun, SUPER FUN, race series called the Explore Minnesota Challenge that has races all over the state, you need to run 8 total and four have to be in each of the four regions they've designated throughout the state. So far I'm doing a half January 28th which is part of our Winter Carnival, the Return of the robin 5k run in March and so far, that's it. If the opportunity to run a full presents itself, I probably will... So far I've run races (half/full) in MN, AZ, IN, CA, WI, MT, and I think I'll do Derby Half in KY in April and HI is on the docket for 2014 so I have some states to hit! Again, my main goal is to stay healthy and honestly just run because I love it. So darn much, all day long.
For 2012, I'd like to run more days than I don't. Just to see if I can. I'm at 50% right now.

Beebies. I want to have one, well, I'd like to have three really but I'll start with one. I figured it out as I was packing today and even if I got pregnant this very second, which is impossible since husby is out of town, I will be at least 31 before I have kid. I don't know why that bothers me but it does. I've never really had a plan for the future. I was kind of indifferent about kids while I was growing up, I really wanted to adopt more than anything but it wasn't like I ever just HAD to have kids. Don't get me wrong, you're seen my niece and nephew, they're adorable and I love them more than anything but at this point, it's either going to happen or it's not but I'm not going to start taking my bajinga temperature or anything crazy. I mean I want kids, I just don't need kids. Does that make sense? More than anything it's because of the cute onesies my friend Jana found on Cafe Press.

More than anything, I just want to be a good person. I want to eat better, remember to floss every day and pick up after myself. I think sometimes you can get bogged down thinking about all of the things you should be doing but really, sometimes just trying is enough. I re-tweeted a quote today that I really liked: "Have resolve, not resolutions." AMEN! Therapists (not mine because I don't have one, yet) say not to set resolutions because when you don't succeed it's an additional stressor because it is a failure. (Even if it is just a little caffeine and you were really tired.)
In the words of a fellow MN runner, Carrie Tollefson; "Get after it" Whatever IT may be.
1. The apostrophy denotes posssesion or contraction, but never plural. the plural of half marathon would be half marathons. But since a half is nickname, halfs would be more appropriate than halves.
ReplyDelete2. You will never get pregnant taking the temperature of your bajinga. But I think you know this as you made reference to the husby. although technically his being out of town is not considered safe sex.
3. I am a therapist and I believe in resolutions and goals. I just hate all the fat asses that clog my gym in january, that are too cheap to get with a personal trainer. Do you really want success or are you setting yourself up for failure. Because if you knew what you were doing, you would not be a fat ass to begin with. I didn't say I was a 'nice' therapist.