I've been dying for this capability for this app. I tested it out on a 3 tonight but wowza would this come in handy when I'm plotting an 18 during training. Or when I become a professional runner. Hey, A girl can dream! ( I just accidentally typed gril instead of girl and now I'm craving steak) The new function of the Map My Run app allows you to plot a route out on your laptop, then send it to your phone so you can follow your route, on your phone! AMAZING! I'm so excited I couldn't wait for a long run and had to test it tonight.
PS, so far so good on 2012 resolve to run more days than not. I'm 18-6!
PPS, I love to run
PPSS, No, I don't work for Map My Run, I just really love anything that makes running better!
#1. Start mapping your run on your computer. |
#2. Start mapping your run |
#3. Save it and hit the cute little cell phone button to send it to yourself. |
#4. Send it! |
#5 Here is my email in my inbox! |
#6. Open your email on your phone and click the link |
Here I am following it on my run!
I have a route to share with you....so I love this app, especially because it provides elevation information. SO, I did a 9 miler near my home, and when I stopped the route the results were unreal.....I can email it to you if you like, you will LOL.