Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dang girl, you’re ass is huge! #run

Made ya look. But no, seriously my butt is getting huge. Is this the middle age spread I’ve heard about? And if I’m middle aged, does that mean I only have 30 years left? FML!
I think it’s a little bit of my age, 30, and a little bit of the new strength program I’ve been making myself do. However, pending what I assume is a glitch in my iPhone, it would appear MAPMYRUN had me running 5.34 miles (distance isn't disputed, this is how far I ran)in 36:28 for an average pace of 6:50 (this is what I don't quite believe). I’m not sure I even ran that fast in college. Oh, look at this lil gem I found! (I'm place #97, a 24 minute 5k, sad) I absolutely didn’t run that fast in college!
Well, perhaps part of why I’m a) getting a huge butt and b) running faster, I’ve been doing strength exercises. I probably should have been doing these all along but just started and I’ve been trying to do them 2-3 times  a week (weak would have been funny since I’m talking about strength but didn’t want you guys to think I’m an idiot). It’s just one of the 13 emails a day I receive from active.com and it caught my eye. I know, right now you’re like, well just unsubscribe! I can’t. Work has active.com blocked when I click unsubscribe and I’m too lazy to just logon to the website and find where to update my email preferences. Isn’t it ironic being lazy led me to this workout?!  
Anyoo… Here it is:

Warm Up: Quadriplex or Opposite Arm and Leg

You need to be on all fours and raise your right arm and left leg at the same time and then do the same with the other side. I want you to do three sets in a row. Do 20 reps per side (non-stop, no rest). This will take approximately four minutes.
Abdominal Crunches Followed by Plank

Do three sets of 30 proper crunches and then immediately go into a full plank and hold that position for 60 seconds. Do this back to back with only 20 second rests between each set. This will take approximately five minutes.
Mountain Climbers

Now do mountain climbers in a standing position. Get your knees as high and as fast as possible for 60 seconds. Do this two times in a row with only 30 seconds rest between each set. This will take approximately three minutes.
Push Ups and Full-Body Plank, ISO Hold

Do a pushup either on your toes or knees for three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions. On your last repetition, hold a full-body plank with a slight bend in your elbows for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds between each set. This will take approximately six minutes.

Standing Stationary Lunge Squat With Three-Second Hold Squats
Do a simple standing-in-place lunge with foot placement in front and back (proper positioning). Do three sets per side for 20 reps each. Immediately after this exercise, go into a regular squat. Every time you go down (eccentric phase), hold for three seconds and then come up (concentric phase). This will take approximately five minutes.
Supermans with Arms Straight Out

Do an Isometric Superman (arms and legs elevated with chest barely off the ground) and hold that position on your stomach for 30 seconds. Right after the 30 seconds, pretend that you are swimming, and do this movement for 60 seconds. Do three sets of this with a 20-second rest between each set. This will take approximately six minutes.
Rest. Cool down. You are done!

1 comment:

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