Monday, March 28, 2011

Dear Husby, I miss you! (ATTN: Extreme lovey doveyedness ahead)

I’m so proud of my husband; he’s in Kentucky right now because we just purchased 59 more stores throughout the state and just into Indiana, making our empire (The Empire?) seven states strong. However, all of his amazing accomplishments mean he’s gone kinda a lot. Before we started dating, he traveled all the time for work, then, when we started dating and even leading up to the wedding I was spoiled, he’d only be gone a couple days a quarter. I knew it was too good to be true because  I also know how much he loves his company and what it stands for so he works hard to make it successful. His company name is Fourteen Foods which is taken from Matthew 14 in the bible, it’s the parable about the feeding of 5,000. Husby takes the opportunities he’s been given in life and tries to share them with others to help make their lives better. He knows that by expanding our business, he’s helping the people who are involved. I just love him!
Anyhoo, I’m just starting on two weeks of him being gone after six days home and another week gone prior to that. At first, it’s awesome, I can sit around and watch Kourtney and Kim take New York or Real Housewives while eating Mac & Cheese for dinner. I can run whenever I want, I can wear sweatpants and I don’t have to shave my legs. In essence, it seems awesome. And then, I try to go to bed. When I was single I never had a problem falling asleep but now that I’m married, when Husby’s gone, I can’t sleep. I’m sure that every burglar/ghost/psycho is trying to break into the house. And that the noise in the basement isn’t just the heater kicking on, it’s the ax murderer who has been hiding down there until I fall asleep. The ice/snow shifting on the roof is a rabid raccoon stuck in the attic, waiting to attack. So, I leave my DVD on to fall asleep to. Have you ever tried to fall asleep to the Curb your Enthusiasm theme song add to that Fernando barking at his own shadow and it is a recipe for very, VERY fitful nights of sleep.
I’ve decided that only getting 20 hours of sleep every week he is gone isn’t really what I miss most about Husby though. I miss having someone to eat with, someone to talk about my day with and decompress, someone to run errands with and make the hell that is Ikea, not so bad. Braving Costco alone, while I love it, doesn’t seem so bad with my bestie by my side. Truly, after all the traveling he has been doing, I love him more. It makes me appreciate the small things he does every day. Well that and Fernando doesn’t talk back so the second half of Husby’s absence gets preeetttyyy, pretty long. Thank goodness for running and for good friends!
Love you Husby! See you in two weeks!

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