Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When the task becomes too great, the hill too hard to climb, pause a minute and remember why you started.

How inspiring! This was on the inside of a package of blackberries I purchased last night. I was eating my blackberries (without washing them, whoopsies & GAROSS!) and I saw the little fine print but I didn’t look at it because I thought for sure it said something like, if you eat these without washing them you’re ingesting Mexican cow poop and will probably die within 48 hours. But it didn’t, it had the above quote and not just any quote, a really good one. I feel like there are so many situations this could apply to.
It’s the year of the babies, everyone I know is pregnant (I am not and completely fine with that I just told you because I don’t want you to get any ideas) and loving it. At the same time, I’ve seen the stress of financial planning, the complete exhaustion of your body making a human being inside of you, the nerves of becoming perhaps a first time parent and of course, the sheer horror at the thought of changing a poopy diaper once an hour. When all of this seems too overwhelming, pause a minute and remember why you’re doing this. You get a baby after all of this! It takes people less time to create a life than it takes me to finish most household projects. Rejoice in this wonderful life you’re working to create. And don’t screw it up. Kisses!
Running. Most of you know it’s my passion. This could very well be taken literally. Last Friday I wanted to do anything but run. Seriously, I was cleaning my desk! So I emailed my running buddy, Other Beth (OB) and told her I didn’t want to but did she? She didn’t either but we both figured we should go. So we took off but decided as long as we’re out and going to do 5 miles, we may as well do hills. After the second repeat, I did kind of pause for a minute and asked why I even started. I started because I love to run, while at times painful, it brings me such a sense of peace and joy I can’t even begin to describe how my heart feels like bursting on a gorgeous spring day when the birds are chirping. I started this for me.
In just shy of a month, I will be taking a leave of absence from work to move to Louisville, KY with my husband (I Can’t wait!) because I just miss him too much when he’s gone, not to! The move is due in part to the acquisition of 59 restaurants throughout KY and Southern Indiana. Husby started the negations early last fall and just closed March 28th, that is a lot of energy and hours spent on one thing. I know there were times he had to pause for a minute and step back and ask himself, ok, why did I start this? I honestly think Husby is a genius so I know his way of taking a step back is different than mine but gets us to the same spot.
Life can be daunting, heck, I get anxious deciding what to make for dinner. (Tonight is tater tot hot dish with BP & Doshy) So the next time you get scared, sad, nervous, mad, take a step back. Why are you at this point? As a Christian, whenever I take a step back I remember that this is God’s plan and knowing that he’s there, makes whatever challenge I’m facing, easier. What keeps you moving after you've taken a step back?
Onward and upward
PS- if you want your own inspirational blackberry moment, the company is TotalFresh

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