Monday, September 12, 2011

God must hate babies.

My own personal hell is life without coffee. Honestly I can't think of one other thing I do every day that I love as much as drinking coffee. I'm sure you're saying, "But Beth, what about running?!" It's true, I love to run but I REALLY LOVE COFFEE.

Sometimes I go to bed, excited to wake up, so I can have coffee. I guess you could say coffee is my Christmas. Well as it turns out, and there isn't any conclusive evidence, caffeine may hinder your ability to get pregnant. So while there are not any cold hard facts, pretty much my life motto is "Better safe than sorry" so, I gave it up. Coffee, my best friend, there for me each morning, hot and steamy and again in the afternoons, cold and satisfying. Giving me the extra boost I need to get going no matter the task ahead; a marathon, staying awake for the birth of my little lovey bunnies (my niece and nephew), work, putting new siding up on the house, or traversing the country I love, the USA. It's been there with me through thick and thin, dates, heart-breaks, true love and a wedding.

The first day didn't seem that bad, I was tired but ok. It was the second, third, etc. days that really got me, I feel like I have a perpetual hangover. 

And now, the cruelest of all jokes, I have to give up what I love to get what I'll (most likely, especially with the added incentive of trips to Disney World) love. All in all, as if being pregnant wasn't hard enough, you have to do it without coffee. 

I blame Eve.

My brand new coffee pot at KY House that I
haven't used. 

So crabby in the AM w/o coffee.
Caffeine on the go. Waste.
One of my favorite things to do is sit on the deck at Mom & Dad's and drink coffee.
My little Lovey Bunnies.
Cayden & Elyse
Brand new color changing mug I never get to use.
With hot stuff inside.

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