Monday, February 25, 2013

Where there's a will, there's a way!

I'm nervous I've bit off more than I can chew (and if you read my previous blog, you know that's quite a bit) by signing up for the Derby Mini-Marathon April 27. I ran all the way through my pregnancy, I "ran" a 5k three days before I delivered and ran 1000 miles in 2012 with 30 coming after the munchkin got here. My love for running combined with lack of sleep and typical postpartum haze led to an overconfident lapse in judgement and I signed up for the half.

Ever since husby and I started spending time in KY I've wanted to run this race (actually 26.2 but knew that was a long shot 5 mos after a baby, for my ability level anyway) so I pulled the trigger on this race as my comeback race thinking it would motivate me to get back into shape.

That was before I realized babies eat every 2.5-3 hours and feedings can take up to an hour. I'm not great at math but I'm pretty sure that leaves me 1.5-2 hours to go to the bathroom, eat, shower, brush my teeth, do laundry, clean, sleep, change diapers, change diapers, change diapers, wash dishes, pump. All of this one handed because as soon as I set a sleeping baby down, she wakes up and we start ALL over again.

You might ask where dad is? He's here but up until a week ago Munchkie screamed bloody murder while in his arms so it was just easier to do it all. Thank God she's turned a corner and is daddy's girl to the core.

Where there's a will there's a way. Somehow I've managed to eek out several runs a week and even scored a 7 mile during an unusually long nap. Daddy has been a big help as well as bebe sleeping through the night (fingers crossed, three nights and counting!).

I have 57 days to get in gear and I can't wait. Ok, gotta go, babe is napping!

5k three days before baby!

Baby's first race!

My first 5k win, 6 months pg!

Daddy's girl

I love this face!

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