I'm not sure if it was the 13 min PR or running in paradise but,
Maui Oceanfront Marathon (MOM) is one of my favorite races. The whales at mile 14 pretty much solidified that.
The cool thing about MOM are all the different running options and the fluidity of your registration and ease of changing events. Big thumbs up to the race director. He provides;
Point to point:
Early start marathon (4:30am)
Marathon (5:30)
Out and back:
Half, 10k, 5k (some time, not 5:30, but I didn't look because I didn't really care)
Two days of packet pick up, one in each of the populated areas in Maui so that made it super easy to get. Nothing fancy but, you're on Maui, why do you want to waste time indoors at an Expo? I was in and out in 10 minutes AND I got to meet the race director, Les Wright (@runtahoerunmaui). If, for no other reason, sign up for this race for his emails, he's hilarious. I'm sure it's because it's a smaller race but, as far as race emails go, A+.
Festivities started at about 5:15 with a Hawaiian blessing which was dang cool. And I'm even pretty certain he wasn't just speaking jibberish. They played the conch, I got goosebumps and then we were off. They do have headlamps for sale, I didn't need one. The street is pretty well lit and enough people around you have them so you probably don't. AND! I got to meet some runner tweeps. @ericasara and @runrjr, they came to get married and decided to run too, too cute!
I've read comments (on active.com) from ppl who were complaining they didn't feel safe on the course, couldn't have been further from the truth, felt safe and comfortable the entire time (kind of a lie, I got pretty uncomfortable at mile 18 but can't blame the course for that). The road isn't closed and you run on the shoulder but traffic is courteous, plenty of cops and just tuck in behind someone bigger if you're really scared. Was super cool to see the moon reflecting off the ocean and to hear waves crash before the sun came up and ride started going back out.
The aid stations were great, I knew it was a small marathon so brought a fuel belt for peace of mind but really, besides carrying my gu and Energy bits, wouldn't have needed it. I can't believe how spunky our volunteers were at 6am! They do not offer any energy gel but do have clif(?) bars and other assorted goodies. Water and Ultima to drink.
It's pretty flat until about mile 11 then you hit some pretty aggressive hills through 16. That being said, I was more worried about them then I needed to be. Plus it's prime whale watching area so you're distracted. After 16 it's pretty flat until mile 25 where there's a slight uphill for maybe .5 miles then downhill and flat to the finish. The toughest part for me were the last 8, flat and direct sun. Plus there was no breeze. Make sure you wear sunscreen! Or run really fast so you don't have to bake like I did, lol!
I finally got to see whales at about mile 14, an awesome breech. Which is good because, unlike
Pacific Whale Foundation, I don't think MOM offers refunds if I don't see a whale.
The medals are solid, the art is way cool and they're heavy duty. Can't wait to get my race poster framed. I got my race pics THE NEXT DAY! That's amazing. I attached one, don't have a manatee (sea cow, get it?) I'm buying them.
I think people who complain about this race are people who probably aren't happy about much. You're running. In paradise. What could you possibly be unhappy about?
This race came at the end of a two week trip in HI so yeah, maybe I shouldn't have eaten the Costco size bag of chocolate coconut covered macadamia nuts or snorkeled the day before the race, who knows. It's a great excuse to get to maui and run. Highly recommended.
Was shootings for 3:59:59 and ran a 4:00:57. A 13 min pr so for sure bummed there's not a three in the front but still happy!
Ran hard and safe for #megsmiles
You get a license plate holder!!! |
Hawaiian Blessing at start |
Me and my training buddy at the finish. |
Post race photo op, I'm about as salty as the Ocean here. |
My professional race pic, don't worry, I'm buying it. |
Front |
Back. Isn't it cute? The Island with our race route on it! |
My splits, I forgot to stop my garmin. Stupid last four miles.