I felt like I was getting sick on Tuesday night but really wanted to workout so I went to spin instead of just relaxing. Bad idea #1.
As you know, I tried hot yoga Sunday and it's all I wanted to do all week while Husby was gone and instead, I'm in bed watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy(the upside here is that I just found out why the call Eric Dane McSteamy!). I was so bored yesterday and it was so nice and sunny I went outside and shoveled. Bad idea #2. Now on top of being sick, I'm so very sore.
Bad idea #3? I got out of bed at 12:30 this morning and made myself an ice cream sundae with marshmallows, chocolate chips, coconut, and cookies and cream ice cream.
On the bright side of things, New top score on Temple Run. Driveway is shoveled. Get to spend the day with Furbaby.
I'm so bored and it's so nice outside that all I want to do is go for a run but I don't even have the energy to shower, I don't think a run will do a body good. Maybe hot yoga?!
Your writing is so inspirational to daily life, you really could write a book. Thank you for your courage, it made me see how my massive scale spine traction equipment in my pretty living room corner isn't really crippling, it is all perspective. I've also been sick with a horrible virus for 4 days. It went away day 2 then came back, so fun. May we both be healthy tomorrow! Best to you, Lu