Hey perv, I know why you're reading this and, I don't want you to be disappointed but, this is actually about boobs.
I did it, I am a champion. The baby is almost 14 months and is still nursing. But now I'm done. My goal was a year and I would have been happy with six months. I was a nut about pumping and storing milk so I probably COULD have been done at six months and baby'd still be drinking bilk. Chest freezer for valentines 2013 still a win.
Once I made it to a year I decided I'd start to wean after Hawaii, nothing like a boob to calm down a crying baby on a plane!
There were a couple days before we left where Kit wouldn't nurse before bed and I was devastated. It's a weird feeling because on one hand (and this is my own fault) I don't want to be so tethered to the baby and now daddy can help put her down. On the other, I LOVE nursing. It sounds really weird but I love the bond I have with my baby. The countless hours we've shared, her cradled in my arms. The seasons of Gossip Girl we've watched together. Watching her little lips smack while milk dribbles down her chin, the way she looks up at you and smiles. Part of me is so sad it's coming to an end.
But I'm ready. Before, I wasn't ready but now I know it's time for us. I barely slept last night because I knew for sure my boobs were going to explode after 24 hours of not nursing. Good news, they didn't. It's been 5 straight days she hasn't nursed before bed and I'm proud because it's one of those moments you're like, hey, I can do this!
Slowly but surely we'll get rid of the boob altogether. I remember one of the best pieces of advice my mom ever gave me was this, rushing out the door to baby's baptism and I was panicked making sure we had enough in the diaper bag to be gone for an hour and she grabs me and says, 'Beth, do you have a baby and a boob? Then you're good to go.' No truer words have been spoken.
Kudos to every mommy for making the best choice for YOU and YOUR baby. Being a stay at home and nursing has been easy as well as rewarding for me and I'm happy with the choice I made and now I'm happy with the choice to be done!
Here's to hoping my boobs don't explode in the process!