Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I've got a huge weaner

Hey perv, I know why you're reading this and, I don't want you to be disappointed but, this is actually about boobs. 

I did it, I am a champion. The baby is almost 14 months and is still nursing. But now I'm done. My goal was a year and I would have been happy with six months. I was a nut about pumping and storing milk so I probably COULD have been done at six months and baby'd still be drinking bilk. Chest freezer for valentines 2013 still a win.

Once I made it to a year I decided I'd start to wean after Hawaii, nothing like a boob to calm down a crying baby on a plane! 

There were a couple days before we left where Kit wouldn't nurse before bed and I was devastated. It's a weird feeling because on one hand (and this is my own fault) I don't want to be so tethered to the baby and now daddy can help put her down. On the other, I LOVE nursing. It sounds really weird but I love the bond I have with my baby. The countless hours we've shared, her cradled in my arms. The seasons of Gossip Girl we've watched together. Watching her little lips smack while milk dribbles down her chin, the way she looks up at you and smiles. Part of me is so sad it's coming to an end.

 But I'm ready. Before, I wasn't ready but now I know it's time for us. I barely slept last night because I knew for sure my boobs were going to explode after 24 hours of not nursing. Good news, they didn't. It's been 5 straight days she hasn't nursed before bed and I'm proud because it's one of those moments you're like, hey, I can do this! 

Slowly but surely we'll get rid of the boob altogether. I remember one of the best pieces of advice my mom ever gave me was this, rushing out the door to baby's baptism and I was panicked making sure we had enough in the diaper bag to be gone for an hour and she grabs me and says, 'Beth, do you have a baby and a boob? Then you're good to go.' No truer words have been spoken. 

Kudos to every mommy for making the best choice for YOU and YOUR baby. Being a stay at home and nursing has been easy as well as rewarding for me and I'm happy with the choice I made and now I'm happy with the choice to be done! 

Here's to hoping my boobs don't explode in the process! 


    Saw his shirt at Whole Foods, I need it

Saturday, January 25, 2014

When 58 seconds is more than 13 minutes

It's been a full week since I ran Maui Oceanfront. The toilet doesn't seem so low, the stairs don't seem so steep, and I'm an entire toenail lighter. 

I'm done receiving 'likes' and 'favorites', and my friends have stopped texting about how awesome running a marathon is. To which I always reply, you don't have to be smart to run. 

So here I sit, me and my Post Race Depression (PRD). It's the craziest thing, I didn't even train very long for this marathon, two and a half months to be exact. And I hired a coach so it was really easy, and besides running, took little effort on my end. So why am I so bummed? I pushed a human out of my body and within the year, made that same body run 26.2 miles. In 4 hours. Without an epidural. That shit's badass. 

But I'm not happy. I really, REALLY wanted my time to have a three in the front. 3:59:59 would have made me so proud! 

I ran a 4:00:57. My fastest previous time was a 4:13:47 which means I cut 13 minutes off my time. Baller! Except I don't feel like that. I'm so hung up on 58 seconds that I can't see how awesome 13 minutes is. Heck, my first marathon was a 4:50! Which should make me feel awesome except I always feel the need to qualify that time by interjecting that, 'it was the year they cancelled Chicago so yeah, it was hot'. Like anyone cares and like 90% of the population even knows the difference.  

So every day for the past week I stare at my time, hoping that magically, it'll change. I read and reread my splits. Willing them to be faster. Remembering the course and different spots I could have picked up 20 seconds. Or 5. Going over the race and wondering how it could have been different. 

But it doesn't change. No matter how long or hard I stare, 4:00:57 stares back. And this is why 58 seconds is longer than 13 minutes. It's lasted a week longer than if I had run a 3:59:59. 

And maybe that's why I run? I run because it's fun and (though I need to keep reminding myself) 58 seconds isn't that big of a deal, it's closer to my goal than I've ever been and a hell of a lot closer than when I started. Running isn't based on one singular race, nor should it be. Running is the culmination of the heart and soul you put into your training, the sacrifices you make to prove you have what it takes. It's the couch to 5k program you sign up for or the Disney Dopey Challenge you complete, it's the friends you make and the swag you earn. It's not one race or one time, it's a lifestyle. 

And, as we all know, the best way to kick PRD is to sign up for another race. Any thoughts?!! 

           Got some cross training in! 

    Girl after my own heart😍

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Maui Oceanfront Marathon or MOM

I'm not sure if it was the 13 min PR or running in paradise but, Maui Oceanfront Marathon (MOM) is one of my favorite races. The whales at mile 14 pretty much solidified that. 

The cool thing about MOM are all the different running options and the fluidity of your registration and ease of changing events. Big thumbs up to the race director. He provides;

Point to point:
Early start marathon (4:30am)
Marathon (5:30)

Out and back:
Half, 10k, 5k (some time, not 5:30, but I didn't look because I didn't really care)

Two days of packet pick up, one in each of the populated areas in Maui so that made it super easy to get. Nothing fancy but, you're on Maui, why do you want to waste time indoors at an Expo? I was in and out in 10 minutes AND I got to meet the race director, Les Wright (@runtahoerunmaui). If, for no other reason, sign up for this race for his emails, he's hilarious. I'm sure it's because it's a smaller race but, as far as race emails go, A+. 

 Festivities started at about 5:15 with a Hawaiian blessing which was dang cool. And I'm even pretty certain he wasn't just speaking jibberish. They played the conch, I got goosebumps and then we were off. They do have headlamps for sale, I didn't need one. The street is pretty well lit and enough people around you have them so you probably don't. AND! I got to meet some runner tweeps. @ericasara and @runrjr, they came to get married and decided to run too, too cute!

I've read comments (on from ppl who were complaining they didn't feel safe on the course, couldn't have been further from the truth, felt safe and comfortable the entire time (kind of a lie, I got pretty uncomfortable at mile 18 but can't blame the course for that). The road isn't closed and you run on the shoulder but traffic is courteous, plenty of cops and just tuck in behind someone bigger if you're really scared. Was super cool to see the moon reflecting off the ocean and to hear waves crash before the sun came up and ride started going back out. 

The aid stations were great, I knew it was a small marathon so brought a fuel belt for peace of mind but really, besides carrying my gu and Energy bits, wouldn't have needed it. I can't believe how spunky our volunteers were at 6am! They do not offer any energy gel but do have clif(?) bars and other assorted goodies. Water and Ultima to drink. 

It's pretty flat until about mile 11 then you hit some pretty aggressive hills through 16. That being said, I was more worried about them then I needed to be. Plus it's prime whale watching area so you're distracted. After 16 it's pretty flat until mile 25 where there's a slight uphill for maybe .5 miles then downhill and flat to the finish. The toughest part for me were the last 8, flat and direct sun. Plus there was no breeze. Make sure you wear sunscreen! Or run really fast so you don't have to bake like I did, lol!

I finally got to see whales at about mile 14, an awesome breech. Which is good because, unlike Pacific Whale Foundation, I don't think MOM offers refunds if I don't see a whale. 

The medals are solid, the art is way cool and they're heavy duty. Can't wait to get my race poster framed. I got my race pics THE NEXT DAY! That's amazing. I attached one, don't have a manatee (sea cow, get it?) I'm buying them. 

I think people who complain about this race are people who probably aren't happy about much. You're running. In paradise. What could you possibly be unhappy about?

This race came at the end of a two week trip in HI so yeah, maybe I shouldn't have eaten the Costco size bag of chocolate coconut covered macadamia nuts or snorkeled the day before the race, who knows. It's a great excuse to get to maui and run. Highly recommended. 

Was shootings for 3:59:59 and ran a 4:00:57. A 13 min pr so for sure bummed there's not a three in the front but still happy! 

Ran hard and safe for #megsmiles

You get a license plate holder!!!
Hawaiian Blessing at start

Me and my training buddy at the finish.

 Post race photo op, I'm about as salty as the Ocean here.

My professional race pic, don't worry, I'm buying it. 

Back. Isn't it cute? The Island with our race route on it! 

                                  My splits, I forgot to stop my garmin. Stupid last four miles.