Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just can't do it anymore

I work in consumer relations for an international company and I just, I cannot do it one more day. I think six years in this position is pretty awesome. Isn't the average career seven years? And that's in a normal job. Would you like to know what I do all day, every day? I listen to people complain. Yes, people call or write in to cry about their incorrect order or how long they had to wait in the drive-thru. I'm sure some of these people are very compentent but some seem like a bunch of hillbillys trying to get something for free and I just can't do it anymore. I cannot empathize with one more person about being fired for "no reason" or as the franchisee likes to put it, stealing. No more feigning interest in the drama that is the employees apparent lack of ability to distinguish between Hannah Montana and Dora the Explorer. I especially don't have the patience to listen to one more mother complain to us that we made their child fat. You drove them there. You purchased the food. You allowed them to eat it, why is it our fault again? Oh yeah, we make a delicious product.

Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do. In a dream world I'd become a professional runner. Getting paid (I've heard not much) to do what I love. In the real world, I think I'm going to go and get my coaching certificate. I'd love to have the ability to help people do what I love, so much.

All of this said, for as long as I'm at work, I'll be good at what I do because that is who I am.


  1. I think you would be an amazing coach, personal trainer, the list is endless I can think of many different job titles that you would be excellent at. The coach, track coach, personal trainer is interesting because if you focused on clients that wanted help running and/or jogging you would be paid many hours a day to run and jog all the time! Congratulations on realizing it is time for change, you should be very proud of yourself because it can take some folks decades to realize. Yes, I believe 4-5 years is the standard for career changes. Good luck and thinking of your new job journey. From, Lu

  2. We could always open a gym together. Do you have a couple extra hundreds of thousands of dollars lying around? ;)
