Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some cultures would probably consider this a delicacy...

I eat a lot of salad. I'm not talking about a little salad here or there. I'm talking; I will eat a bag of lettuce for supper. I do not discriminate; I will eat iceberg, romaine, spinach, swiss chard, endive, and my favorite, arugula. I eat it (obviously) with hot sauce, with salt and pepper, with dressing, with veggies and berries, just berries, just veggies, and sometimes even plain. Want to know what I don't eat it with? Insects. Especially Crickets. Especially, especially, with unicorn crickets that have something sticking out of their head like a unicorn. Oh wait, except that is how I ate it on Tuesday Night. Of course I had eaten 3/4 of my bag of Fresh Express Hearts of Romaine the previous two nights and was just finishing THIS salad (that is ranch and buffalo Frank's Red Hot) when I see a dark spot, probably old lettuce. No, a bug. I ALMOST ATE A BUG. (I didn't almost eat it but I could have). Of course I wasn't hungry after that. Best diet ever? Maybe. It would appear poor lil' Jiminy Cricket had been rinsed and packaged with my farm fresh hearts of romaine.

I tweeted and emailed the company Tuesday night around 10 and haven't heard anything yet but their website says they would like to respond within two business days, and it is the holidays so, we'll see what happens. I don't want free stuff but am very curious what this response might look like. I have a feeling this happens to vegetable/fruit companies all the time.

Will I stop eating salad? Don't be ridiculous.
Will I stop eating Fresh Express? Probably.

I was going to bury Jiminy but Fern got to him before I had a chance.

I'll surely update upon their response.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh sick. Hopefully I forget about this post before dinner time :)
