Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just a lil’ Death.

How random that two of my FB friends posted things related to death within seconds of each other today.
Oh Jeez is this sad, watch both parts. RIP Ben.
Oh Jeez does this make you think. Go live life now.
To be honest, death actually really scares me and I think I have a mini panic attack when I think about it. I mean, I have to do something immediately to distract myself from thinking about it or I start to kinda freak, kinda freaking out right now. Like, what happens when we’re not here anymore? I know, as a Christian I’m supposed to be comforted knowing the afterlife is amazing and that Heaven is better than Costco, Jesus died for us so I can live on a big puffy white cloud and eat Philly Cream Cheese on my bagels, and fly around on Unicorns. Doesn’t help, still scared to cease existence.
That being said, dealing with mortality is such a crazy thing. I try and eat healthy, run, wear my seatbelt, and use sunscreen but you never really know. One of my childhood best friends was healthy but died suddenly leaving us all with the big “W” question on our minds. Why. Why so young? Why so soon? Why not me? Why him? Them. When is it my turn? What happens. Where do we go?

I try and be a good person, I smile a lot, say please & thank you, and volunteer but I swear too much and sometimes talk mean behind people’s backs. In Part 2 of the YouTube video that was posted,  Ben says he was proud seeing the reflection of himself and his life. My New Year’s resolution is to try and be proud of what I see in the mirror. If you died today, would you be proud? Would you have any regrets?
This post isn’t really about death, but about life and knowing that each day you wake up is a gift. I guess the most fitting quote for this situation is; Drive it like you stole it. Live life like you never know when you’ll have to give it back.


  1. Deep, thought-provoking stuff, especially the Tumblr link re: the regrets of the dying. After dealing with and making it through severe depression (and resulting suicide attempt) years ago, I came to face the "reality of mortality" and everything that comes with life.

    It's different for everybody dealing with the process, healing from depression, and rebuilding their lives. It's something only time can rebuild, including everything you lost before.

    Firing on all cylinders again, all my dreams came true this year, and then some... moving back downtown, the marathon, writing, money/investing, etc. Ever read the essay 1,000 Marbles? Kind of morbid to some people, but I've done this too... just to remind myself never to waste time and go after everything I want.

    Anyway, it's great to see/read you trying to be a good person and do the right things now. I said that for so many years, taking it for granted that "someday" I would do that, like it was low on my priority list. It's sad that death (or near-death experiences) has to happen to people before we finally make those changes.

  2. I love the marbles story, thanks so much for sharing! There is so much in my life that makes me think that every day I wake up I should make the most of it and I often forget. Let's run together some time!
