Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Stroller Arm, running injuries parents get

As a SAHM I spend a lot, and I mean A LOT of miles pushing a jogging stroller, definitely more miles than not. While it's been a great arm and core workout, I've run (quite literally) into a problem.

While doing a track workout with my coach (Ron Byland, Mile to marathon, I ❤️Having a coach, best thing I've ever done for my running.) we were running drills and he kept telling me to engage my right arm and that my right leg wasn't firing as hard as my left. Then he asked which arm I pushed the BOB with, doesn't take a genius to figure out where I'm going with this.... 

I've got a serious case of stroller arm. Not only that but I was worried I was getting the dreaded planter fasciitis because my arches always hurt, but, after coach pointed out stroller arm I really started to pay attention to my form while running and noticed I was pronating differently with the stroller than when I run without. 

Luckily there's no harm done and I've turned into an ambi-pusher for life but, overall good reminder to stop (not literally) and check your form and make sure it's on pointe! 

Quick video of running drills to help your form!  

4th of July 10l, 4 min PR! Speaking of stroller runners, see that double stroller over my left shoulder? Her and I battled the whole way and I just barely beat her, pushing her 7 mo old twins #beastmode 

My arm looks like it's pumping here at the end!