Me having to drive downtown. |
Poor Husby, I don't think he knows what hit'em. It all started a couple of weeks ago when a long lost friend posted on my favorite book, face, that she had broken her toe and would be unable to run the
13.1 Marathon and if anyone wanted to run, let her know. Well, to get to be her for one day would be my honor so I at the last moment, I asked if anyone had stepped up to the challenge. They hadn't and so for two glorious hours, I got to be Jill Anderson from St. Louis Park. The worst part about running 13.1 miles is that she almost made me drive downtown to pick up the bib. Luckily we were able to meet up at another venue that didn't make me cry. Well, actually it was a Twins game so I did cry. Sorry guys... Anyway, I got the bib and I was ready to go. The night before we had my parents over for what is now, my new pre-race meal, tri tip and shrimp with corn on the cob. I was a little anxious bc I thought it would set like a lump in my stomach, it didn't. I started off the day saying hello to a wonderful friend. I even have the picture to prove it. As Brenna made her way up front (her brother Casey and one of my HSCCBFF (High School Cross Country Best Friends Forever) was even further up front near the 1:35 group) I made my way to the back, way back actually. I hadn't run over 6 miles in the month proceeding this race so while I was averaging 25-30 miles a week, my training was nothing like it should have been. Anyway, I took my spot next the guy with a brace on each knee and the 65 yr old mother running her first race. As an aside, I had my ipod. I never use an ipod so I feel guilty even telling you this but I'm in love with it and I will shout it from the mountain top! I was in the 2:20 group, I passed them after just a mile and was feeling good so hung with 2:10 group then lost them at a water station around mile 4. I kept my head down and just kept plugging along. The next time I looked up I saw another pace group and, since I wasn't wearing my contacts (sorry mom and husby) could only see the :10. Crap, somehow 2:10 caught back up to me. I just tried to reel them in when I realized they were 9:10 pace group. I win, blew past them and never looked back. I knew Bren was aiming for a PR and knew she had it when I passed a spot where you could see the finish at 1:43 and Bren was nowhere to be seen. I kicked it in and finished in 1:56:14. With no training?! I'll take it! I mean, proof is in the pudding, or this case, picture. I'm smiling and even did the honorary thumbs up for running bestie BF. Great race that spurned the feve aka marathon fever. Who knows what's next?! THANK YOU JILL!!!
Ready to go, thanks Jill! |