Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 1

Boom, I’m bored so I’m back to writing blogs. You guys know I think I’m hilarious but blogging is harder than 140 characters or a status update. So, I’m doing the 30 day blog challenge to motivate me.
Here it is and here I go.
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Here is a recent picture of me. I just recently became
the proud owner of a 5lb Salted Nut Roll. #Winning
1. I just bought a new under-desk, exer-bike. It doesn't replace workouts but it does keep me focused at work. My butt has never been sexier


2. Worlds cutest niece, Elyse

3. Worlds cutest nephew, Cayden.

5.  I love facebook

4 .I love to run more than almost anything.

6.&7. This is two interesting facts, My husby is the very best husby in the whole world, I love him so much, and I'm so lucky to have him. Second, he is the CEO of a company that owns 120 (and growing!) Dairy Queens Restaurants.

8. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Period.

9. I love High-Fives. And Hugs, especially hugs.

10. I LOVE to travel.

11. I love pickles, well, anything pickled really.
And hot sauce.

12. I love to cook and I'm actually super
good at it!

13. I lived in Louisville, KY for 6 months this summer.
14. I'm a Christian. I believe in God, I believe there's a plan, and I believe my God loves everyone.
15. I'm totally a baby and sleep with both a light, and the TV, on when Matt travels.

Day 1, done!

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